Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “BookArts”
Books! Books! Books!
This December I was busy doing a lot of things, from Disney World with Mark, Jaryth and Mark’s parents, to both our birthdays, to Christmas, to work, and more. But one of the fun things I was doing (okay, all of those things are fun for me) was making some books. These are some of the books I made in December (and early January):
Elves My mom sent Jaryth some mail art of some elves, and every picture had one elf sticking his foot out.
Finished my holiday book for a swap
[caption id=“attachment_398” align=“aligncenter” width=“320” caption=“Cover of my 2011 Holiday Book”][/caption] This is the outside. On the inside it’s blank except for the instructions. The idea is that everyone who gets a book can then customize it with their own family memories. I’ll be taking mine to Thanksgiving this year to get people to write in it. [caption id=“attachment_399” align=“aligncenter” width=“320” caption=“The inside of the holiday book for 2011”][/caption]